With this problem my colleague applied to me and asked to help help him – he tried to use the Mail Merge Toolkit in his job.
The Mail Merge Toolkit – this is add-on for Microsoft Word which helps to prepare many addressed emails and sends it through Microsoft Outlook.
But I think you already know a lot about this program and you try to solve issue which is reported in title of this article.
So, my colleague had this problem all time when hi tried to send emails. But when I was doing it – this problem displayed not so often. And it was very strange. User should have possibility to use his way – in first view I didn’t saw any problems in his actions… It was not so obviously for me and I tried to think, to find some information in Internet, also I sent email to the program’s support team – no results… And I started think again, look more carefully – and found it! Problem was in foundation of OS’s theory.
The Mail Merge Toolkit have one option: save the created emails into selected folder in Microsoft Outlook. Problem was in this folder’s name
As you can see on screenshot – the folder “Start\End” have the special symbol back slash: “\”. For the Mail Merge Toolkit this symbol is the folder’s separator – this is reason for error in the title of this article. I renamed this folder and problem go out:
Yes, modern programs already can use special symbols, and external programs also can read it correct, but programmer should remember about it and foresee in his work. I hope that this problem already solved in new versions of Mail Merge Toolkit.